Reframe your Lifestyle: Stress Management Edition

Stress management can be your key to a new beginning. Let’s explore what stress management can actually look like through work-life balance, setting boundaries, and managing priorities. It is all possible when you do a little reworking and a lot of reframing. 

Stress management tips often come in the form of a list of different ways that help people decompress and handle the things in their life that cause them turmoil, concern, etc. Stress can exist in a positive manner, but it is often more commonly associated with negativity. Everyone stresses out about things differently, too. However, it is important to acknowledge that it exists everywhere. Work, school, friends, children, pets, parents, significant others - you name it, and it often comes with some sort of stress. While nothing is perfect all the time, learning to manage stress is absolutely critical for long-term health and success in all aspects of your life, both personal and professional.  

Take Control Before "Burnout” Happens  

The effects of prolonged stress (even positive stress) without management can be catastrophic by negatively impacting your relationships with others. It also affects your ability to maintain productivity, and even your physical capacity to enjoy life with yourself and others. The short answer is burnout! However, we can avoid burnout by learning how to live in a state of stress management on a daily basis, rather than uncontrolled, pervasive stress.  

What does a Good Work-Life Balance Look Like?  

How is your current work-life balance going for you? Do you feel that it even exists? If not, let’s make that a priority. You cannot manage stress if you feel that even balancing your to-do list between work and home is a constant struggle. It is so easy to feel stuck or bogged down by both work and life that you do not have the time or energy to think about a work-life balance. So, I am here to tell you that starting today, there are no more excuses!  

Time to Reframe  

It is time to take control of your to-do list and reframe your work-life balance for better stress management. Let’s take some steps towards creating an ideal stress-free lifestyle.  

  • Create and maintain a schedule by blocking time in for you! You should arrange time for wellness, exercise, personal projects, and anything else that brings you joy and peace of mind, in the same way you schedule meetings and appointments.  

  • Set a routine by dedicating one day of the week as a day you do it all – chores, shopping, bills, whatever it is, and dedicate one day of the week as the day you do nothing. Resting is just as important as being productive. Remember, you can only be your best self when you allow yourself to recharge your battery.  

  • Be at peace with the never-ending to-do list. Life happens every day, and stress management can make detrimental situations less earth-shattering.  

Setting Boundaries + Managing Priorities 

Stress management cannot exist without having set boundaries of where your time and effort go. It is okay to be a “yes” person, but saying yes to something else often means saying no to yourself, and no one wins in that situation. You have to decide what boundaries are needed in your life, and then set them. The challenging part is to keep them, too.  

Looking at your life right now, what and who do you value most? Are you able to dedicate enough time to them? If not, where is that time going and are those things worth the energy dedicated to them? It is okay if you are at your breaking point – sometimes that is all the push we need to do better for ourselves. On the other hand, if you are not there yet, do not let yourself get there. The road to burnout is an easy one to travel to, but hard to come back from.  

What’s Next?  

  • Reset your priorities – if you were gone tomorrow, what would matter the most today? 

  • Reframe your lifestyle based on a new, reorganized list of who is important to you and what you value most.  

  • Let go of what doesn’t make you happy.  Let. It. Go.  

Stress Management for a Better You! 

Take the time today to say YES to a new beginning. Start by organizing your thoughts and daily routine to start making new goals. A stress-free life can only be achieved if you take the first step to managing it.  

Maybe there are unresolved negative feelings that add stress to your life. Take the first step with me to manage what is keeping you down in life, and not allowing you to move forward.  

My e-course is a guaranteed way to change those negative feelings, so you can start feeling great about YOU!  



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