Taking Charge in 2022

New year, new you? How about new year, new work-life balance and improved workplace culture?! Hi, Carrie Fabris here – certified Gallup Strengths and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Coach and Situational Leadership Facilitator – to help you and your organization thrive in the new year. How do you take your work environment into a new and improved 2022? By letting me help you discover your strengths, sharpening on your soft skills, and empower your team to be happier, and thus more productive, at work.

So, out with the old, and in with the new, right? Sure...but first we have to acknowledge that the world is still navigating a pandemic and the burnout effects of the situation, as well as everything else that has happened in the social, political, and financial realms we call life. In understanding that workplace organizational structures consist of human employees – humans being the keyword here – we can learn to better navigate the future for a more productive and constructive workplace. While we are all desperately seeking to get back to “normal,” the reality is we have to build a new normal – and 2022 being a new year is the perfect time to set new goals, prioritize new standards, and build a new culture for your organization.

If you are wondering how to exactly do that, that is where I come in. As a certified Gallup Strengths and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Coach and a Situational Leadership Facilitator, I use the CliftonStrengths assessment to not only help identify team members’ individual strengths, but to help people understand what others bring to the table and why they work the way they do. For example, we transition the mindset of “that person is the chatty one and never gets any work done” to the understanding that “that person is a strong communicator and prefers to work through situations orally to better understand how to approach or support a problem.” In addition to identifying and learning strengths, my background in EQ and leadership allows me to help your organization work through any challenges your team may be facing, but not currently open about. When communication lines are open and feedback is presented, your team can swim through choppy waters to a land filled with opportunity and success.

Leadership and coaching are my forte, so let me help you and your team ring in the new year with a mindset of a stronger 2022. Soft skills, such as communication, structure, transparency, and organization, are what truly allow a team to succeed and thrive. Do not miss out on an opportunity for a brighter future in which both you and your colleagues are not only happy at work, but more productive and engaged in the work you do and the mission you support. Book a consultation with me and watch as I help your team transform for the better. A stronger 2022 starts with a click and ends with a happy and productive staff.


The Importance of Work Culture Learning


Corporate coach and leadership influencer, Carrie Fabris, launches website and e-course to promote high-impact, positive life transformations.